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Let Us Help with your Project…

With 25 years of industry expertise, we are dedicated to innovation that delivers successful performance.

If you have an extraordinary engineering challenge that cannot be met by conventional means, FLiNK could deliver the result you need.

We love to work with projects and people who are pushing the limits, if that’s you, we are looking forward to your call.

Get in Touch…

Yes we use CAD…

We live in an era of CAD CAM, at FLiNK we believe in THiNK! Pencil, paper, string and glue are all parts of what we do. Real innovation – ‘disruptive technology’ – things that develop in the brains of the team developing a product are what get us to work in the morning.

We believe in free-thinking, daring design. This is then driven along a rigorous route of evaluation to eventual validation so we can always deliver the kind of success we crave.

We conduct physical and computational modelling and testing throughout that product development route. This is the best way to develop the product and the thinking of the design team. Some of this will be conducted in-house, some shared with people who do it better than anyone else!

If you have a problem that needs a solution, a concept that needs development or a product that needs refinement we may be able to help you, please get in touch.

Design and Production

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Developing the right supply chain is essential to the success of your product. Our network in Industrial Design and Composites will create the links you need to the right technology and crucially with the right people. We can connect you with individuals and organisations who have the enthusiasm, drive and knowledge to deliver the quality and economics you require.

There are always opportunities to get more from materials and processes.
Combining the expertise of the whole supply chain during the conception of a product is a wonderful and rare thing. Do it if you can, if not do it when you can – it’s better late than never. Contact us to see if we can help you.

Sometimes Quality can be seen as the enemy…

At FLiNK we have no interest in Bureaucrazy and systems for systems’ sake. In developing a quality network to support a project it is essential that all the people involved are engaged in error proofing, with strong visual processes and the understanding it takes to attain effortless quality. In short, they need to be more than just an employee, they need to be an ally.

When things go wrong…
Understanding & fixing problems is usually a high pressure process, with detailed technical analysis and testing leading to the right corrective action and preventing reoccurrence, all against the clock. Implementing the right solutions involving design, process, supply chain and training is an opportunity to learn from mistakes and improve. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

There is no “one size fits all” quality approach. Whether it’s Six Sigma, 5S or ISO standard, you will have regulatory requirements and customer expectations to meet. There will be an easy or a hard way to get there. We can help you find the easy way.

Sharing the knowledge…

People come to industry from a range of backgrounds. Their understanding of your product and process will differ. Instilling real knowledge and well-founded confidence through tailored training is essential.

We have 20 years of experience in developing efficient short courses and on-the-job training which your team will enjoy and which will deliver measureable results.

Training for us means a combination of classroom and hands-on practical activity – usually a 50/50 split. Delegates always demonstrate their level of understanding so we can give any extra support required.